Can you believe it? The first official year of Freedom PT and Fitness is in the books. Crazy, right?! I thought it would be fun to share some of the backstory and pictures of Freedom’s journey.
Many of you know, this idea started 5 years ago as just a thought of “what if..” But there was a lot of other stuff going on at the time, so it remained just that, a thought. Then, when I moved to San Antonio completely and had been working in corporate for a while, I started to get frustrated at the corporate health care structure, and that “what if” started growing stronger. I actually started slowly building a small gym in my garage at first. Craigslist became my best friend, and I started researching and buying little pieces of equipment here and there. Mostly, it was for my own personal use, but I had a few clients/friends come for training with me. Imagine, working out in a garage in August in Texas. 😅 Those of you who came, I owe you a lot of air conditioning!
Fast forward to June 2020, I randomly called the owner of the Sportsplex to see if he would be willing to rent out some space, and he actually said yes. Boom, game on. From then, it was a race to get everything ready in 4 weeks to be open. Even my current space has changed dramatically since opening. Now, a year later, and I am more blessed than ever. Thank you to everyone who was a part of our first-year journey, and I hope you continue to be a part of the Freedom Family for years to come!
Exciting things are on the horizon but for now, Freedom is yours!